
Monday 2 December 2019

Menjual mixer dan oven kuih/roti

Brand : Berjaya
Area : Ayer Keroh, Melaka
Price : RM 1, 200.00

Brand : Butterfly
Area : Ayer Keroh, Melaka
Price : RM 1,000.00

Call : 019-2362352 (Nur)

Saturday 22 December 2018


15-21 Disember 2018
Attended tournament at Stadium Datuk Kawada..
Choose to stay homestay rather than hostel
Homestay Taman Sejoli 200 pernight
Rental car Exora 100 per day but the condition really so bad.. another car was Myvi 90 per day

 The road to Jong’s Crocodile Farm
 More than about crocodile
Adult : RM 24
Adult Sarawak : RM 14
 White sticker when enter the window of JCF

One of JCF member’s

Our group visiting JCF members

Will be continue soon

Thursday 21 June 2018

21 Jun 2018

Menunggu kepastian atau memberikan ketenangan aku jadi kurang pasti.
Akan tetapi aku yakin dengan urusanNya. Aku akan selalu tewas dengan kelemahan aku.
Bukan hanya pada hubungan ini tetapi sejak pertama kali berhubung sesama manusia.

J pernah menyelamatkan aku dari fikiran yang ingin terjun kelaut.
Pulang lewat subuh hanya menatap yang xdiingini.
Hari ini, aku jadi xpasti akan hubungan aku dan dia.
Tapi aku semakin yakin dengan Allah..

Mesti ada sebab, Allah menjatuhkan ini kepada aku.
Takkan terdetik untuk aku lakukan melainkan Dia yang mengerakkan

Thursday 15 March 2018

Airlines to Tokyo (Vac.)

By booking this airlines was so disappointed with the charge or i'm never an alert with this.
The price and the baggage was different..

Flight AA 522
Kuala Lumpur KUL
2:40 PM
Tokyo HND
10:30 PM

The flight on screen for AA do not inc the meal and baggage
So, extra charge in our trip was :
baggage = 150MYR
Meal = 15 MYR inc small mineral water
Flight AA 523
Tokyo HND
11:45 PM
Kuala Lumpur KUL
6:35 AM

hal yang sama berlaku untuk pulang ke origin place, dimana telah membayar 25kg secara credit card sebelum berlepas ke Tokyo there is more cheaper = 126 MYR + 15 MYR

Secara keseluruhan adalah amount tambahan dari yang dirancang.  (306 MYR) + Tiket (1,417.3/per person)..

Secara individu AA lebih selesa untuk short trip and one season place.
My trip was 16/3-21/3 (5d4n) in a bit cold weather.

My next trip over the country maybe that more than 1 hour will choose the MAS or other airlines that more comfortable and the price inc the meal and baggage. I will choose AA if there is no other alternative or etc.

Monday 25 December 2017

25 December 2017

Aku yakin yang Allah swt tu (Maha Pemurah) xpernah luka hati hambanya..
Cuma kita sering menyalahkan Dia dengan segala dugaan yang dibaling kan kepada kita.

Aku semakin yakin dengan sekembalinya pulang dari Umrah tahun lepas. 
Terlalu banyak perkara yang berlaku sehingga hari ni.. 
Hari demi hari, Allahswt xpernah kecewakan diri ini. Sebaliknya Dia memberikan yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

16/10 - Allahswt hadiahkan satu kebaikan kepada diri.
Meskipun ada beebrapa isu yang jadi teguran untuk saling mengenali.
Allahswt cuma ingin kita meminta dan konsisten dengan apa yg kita lakukan hanya untuk Maha Pencipta

Pernah bincangkan akan hubungan ini..
Dengan apa yang pernah kluarga alami dan dia alami.
Akan ku jadikan sebagai pengajaran..

SABAR... sentiasa SABAR
Aku yakin perancangan Allahswt.. Perlu yakin dengan segala macam yang Allahswt beri meskipun sekecil zarah..

Harini perasaan yang xpernah rasa.. 1001 juta.. yang diakhiri dengan meniti satu perkataan Alhamdulillah (Segala Puji bagi Allahswt)

Saturday 7 October 2017

Trip to Labuan

The trip to Labuan, choose to transit (departure and return choose the same journey) -
Thursday night ~ Saturday Eve
(Benefits : that i can explore other terminal in the same time)
( Lack : the time that spend at airport to long)
Fly with MH and Maswings

05 October 2017 From KUL - BKI ( 22:50 - 01:00 +)
with meal but i'm choose to sleep rather than ate

05 October 2017 From BKI - LBU (06:30 - 07:00)
*Provide with salted peanut and Milo box
By Maswings

Stay at Labuan Fortune Hotel (087 - 419 930)
1 night = MYR98 for Queen & Deluxe Twin Room / MYR 139 for Deluxe Family Room

Using GrendLine Travel Labuan - (019 - 801 6865) - car rental
Booking Viva (MYR 70) but the owner change to Nissan Almera with same price plus extra hour
(8 am (6/10) ~ 8 am (7/10) = MYR 70 + MYR 20 (extend hour 7/10 from 8 am to 1 pm.
Receive and drive by owner fetch at Labuan Airport and sent back same place but no with owner (just need text)
-just fill the petrol MYR 30 then can explore the whole the Island.

The main event of the trip was attended friend's wedding.
Beside that, won't waste the time and the opportunity.

Just start engine the select a few place by organised by self.
Doesn't hunted shopping but prefer the beach scenery and local food/ traditional food

Day 1

Day 2
~ Updated with car rental before departure from BKI.
~ Using the car rental to explore the island by self.

Labuan Botanical Garden
*The garden so calm and peaceful with green
Labuan Marine Museum
*The beach view, love the most
Labuan Clock Tower
UTC Labuan Central Market * more information on Day 3
Bebuluh Water Village
*Those comes alone, more double careful
Layang Layang Beach
Pantai Pancur Hitam
Chimney Museum
Tangjung Aru

~ Evening 
Check - in Labuan Fortune Hotel ( take a nap)
* Out from town before 5pm or late 6pm -out of traffic jammed zone.
Anjung Ketam but unfortunately closed coz have small event in front of the place..
On right Anjung Ketam, Terubuk Warisan also the alternative but the surrounding more to take a way.
That night, only 1 person in the restaurant ate 2 crab with buttermilk + 2 squid with salted egg + hot lemon tea = MYR 17
Having small event malam berinai that invited to closed with family members

Day 3
Pasar Tani (Jalan Berjaya)
*Prefer traditional food /dessert and culture
Kelupis - nyirik leaf
Lamban - coconut leaves
Jelurut - a sweet and creamy colored local kuih wrapped with nipah or coconut leaf
Punjung - made from rice flour, they are little cone-sized desserts with green jelly-like fillings wrapped in banana leaves
Pulut Panggang (comes with 2 size - MYR 0.50 for small and MYR 1 for big)
But nasi lemak ayam goreng was unique 

UTC Labuan Central Market
*Wet market on left (fish, beef, chicken)
*Dry market on right (fruit, snack, vegetable)
*2nd level -Cloth and 3rd level - food court

7 October 2017 From LBU - BKI ( 14:55 - 15:35)
7 October 2017 From BKI - KUL (16:45 - 19:15) retimed to (18:50 - 21:15)
Luggage should be easier when do transit baggage. No need to check in again while transfer but so unlucky when reached to the final destination the baggage won't come out. Almost an hour waiting that. Beside that, the boarding pass do not throw out, coz it will as reference if anything happen unexpectation.

*gentle reminder- do not ever cross the place called Kiamsam near by the largest golf club

Saturday 16 September 2017


Dah lama rasanya xbuat sendiri untuk tempahan flight
Biasanya, group or buddy yang buat.
If group of course yourself need prepared any times based the discussion.
If buddy, really need both get their the most the best time and date.

Now i had a problem to change time..
Ori time was  1925 Departure to location
And return 1755.

But the flight was retimed 2 times..

Glad i have a few people that work under airlines. Helping a lot

Difference MAS and Maswing
1. Downgrade the baggage to 20 kg
2. The size of aircraft.

The real situation until i got the new times was, i calling them 3 time and 3 different people.
1 person was dealling the issue of the time, but the connection cut down.. maybe from my line.

2 person was not good in handling customer which is , she said only MH can change the MH.
So, those are direct flight only can change to direct flight. *That what she said.. Maybe ur rush for toilet, or didn't have the knowledge about that.. im ook with that.

The last person really help me a lot which is, i'm direct said its MH can go to MASwing? the answer is : of course can change. But need approval from supervisor. SEE!!!!
Thank you young lady for help me a lot an issue the ticket. Moga Allah swt mempermudahkan kerja anda.

:: I got new ticket now!!!!